Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Chapter 5: Theory Development Process


  1. Theory to practice to theory
  2. Practice to theory
  3. Research to theory
  4. Theory to research to theory

Theory to Practice to Theory STRATEGY
          The theorist who uses this strategy begins the process of theorizing by selecting a theory to use in practice and then uses practice to refine the theory further


Practice to Theory STRATEGY
          Keeping journals, writing notes ,reflecting in diaries, writing stories about clinical practice, talking with others, exposing our ideas for discussion, uncovering meaning, challenging assumptions, and most importantly, using critical thinking throughout these processes are methods to develop theories (Benner, 1984; Gadow,1988; Habermas, 1984).

Research to Theory STRATEGY
          The most acknowledged and accepted strategy for theory development, both by scientists in other fields as well as by many within the discipline of nursing. This strategy is built on the assumption that there is truth out there in real life that can be captured through the senses and that this truth can be verified or falsified. From this perspective, theories are referred to as scientific theories.

  • Reynolds (1971) refers to this strategy in the construction of theories as the “Baconian approach.” 
  • It is also most commonly known as the inductive method. 
  • Reynolds proposed four steps to this strategy.

Theory to Research to Theory STRATEGY
          In this strategy, theory drives the research questions and the results that answer these research questions inform and modify the theory.
Theory to Research to Theory Strategy
          THEORISTS who begin the research by defining a theory and determining propositions for testing, and then go further to modify and develop the original theories, are considered users of this strategy

The processes used for the theory to research to theory method are:


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